Changing Your Home And GardenChanging Your Home And Garden

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Changing Your Home And Garden

I have always loved the idea of going through my home and making changes to my home and garden, but things aren't always as simple as they seem. About six months ago, I realized that I needed to do something to make some significant changes to my home, because the entire space had grown dated and unsightly. It was a lot of stress to figure out what I should do and how I could make powerful changes, but after working hard to prioritize my needs, things started to come together. This blog is all about changing your home and garden in a way that works for your budget and lifestyle.


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Pieces Of Furniture That Offer Sleeping Space

When you think about a piece of furniture that you can convert into a sleeping space, you probably think about a pull-out sofa. You can find many types of pull-out sofas at your local furniture store, but it's useful to know that there are several other pieces of furniture that can offer sleeping space. Having one or more of these pieces in your home is handy if you occasionally have overnight guests. Whether it's a friend who decides to stay for the night after a few glasses of wine or your young niece and nephew who visit for a weekend sleepover, here are three other options.

Modular Sectional

A modular sectional's high degree of versatility can make it a major asset to your home. While you might primarily use it for sitting and lounging, it can also be easy to convert into a sleeping space. Because each of the sections of this piece of furniture is independent, you can move the sections around until they're shaped approximately like a bed. In most cases, a modular sectional will offer enough space for two people to sleep comfortably. In the morning, you can easily rearrange the sections so that people can use it as a couch.

Trundle Bed

When you look at a trundle bed, it's obvious that this piece of furniture provides sleeping space. What you might not realize, however, is that there is additional sleeping space that is hidden out of sight. Although trundle beds can vary somewhat in design, they generally have a second bed that rolls or slides out from beneath the main bed. The secondary bed will sit just off the floor, while the main bed will sit at a conventional bed height. A trundle bed can be a useful addition to the bedroom of a child who often has friends sleep over.

Chair Bed

Functionally, a chair bed shares a lot of similarities with a pull-out sofa. Namely, you can sit on this piece of furniture during the day, and then convert it into a suitable sleeping space at bedtime. Chair beds are ideal because their footprint is small. If you have a small apartment or condo and you're unsure about adding a pull-out sofa, a chair bed can be a good alternative. While a chair bed isn't wide enough to accommodate two people, it can be ideal if you often have a single person who sometimes spends the night. Look for these and other items at your local furniture store.